How to Access Lifts?

Learn how you can access the Lifts module

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1. After logging in successfully, navigate to the left navigation bar.

2. From the list of modules displayed, click Lifts. This takes you to the Lifts screen.

3. Here, all the existing lifts records are tabulated via various columns that include Lifts, Status, Overrides, and Wait Time.

4. Use the Status dropdown under the Overrides column to choose a status for a lift.

5. Once a status is selected, the Reason dropdown becomes clickable. Use this dropdown to record the reason for choosing the selected status.

6. Use the time selector under the Wait time column to select the wait time.

7. Clicking a lift name opens it in an editable view for you to make any changes. Once the required changes are made, click the Save button.

8. Use the Filter lifts search field to search for a specific lift.

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